Press office

Press Office

ETRA Eventi d'Arte, thanks to outsourcing professionals, is able to conduct media relations activities for its customers on the occasion of cultural, artistic and charity events.

The press office is not just an important promotional tool, but also a valuable ally in developing marketing strategies, and its primary goal is to guarantee client’s editorial exposure in national media. For this reason you need to know how to communicate effectively: promote the image of a company in the right way on magazines, local and national newspapers, can help strengthen brand identity, enhance visibility and increase revenues.

ETRA Eventi d'Arte provides smart and effective solutions to maximize positive coverage in the mass media for those companies that wish to communicate their work results to their target audience.

ETRA Eventi d'Arte performed its media services on the occasion of the charity event for kids “2005 Stella d'Oro of Milan” - which was held at the “Stelline” Congress Centre, in Milan - also at the event “Swing on the Ruins” - Jazz Club "Underground" in Piazza Affari, Milan - five jazz concerts that took place at the Roman archaeological site near Palazzo Mezzanotte in Milan.